
Thanks to the wise counsel of a friend of mine who is a well adept blogger, I have created this “portal” weblog for making public announcements, such as “There is a new section of my manuscript for viewing and critique on http://cjbrassington.wordpress.com” so that you may subscribe to this feed and still get updates about the private blog.

To Subscribe, click on the Subscribe to feed link on either the upper left-hand side of the page or the very bottom left. Then, whenever I post a new announcement here about the writing-in-progress blog, you will be notified! 🙂

If you have already been approved for viewing my website, you may link to it from here and enter your username to gain access. If you’ve been invited but have not signed up for a username yet, I hope that you do so. I’d love to have you be a part of this exciting process!!



P.S. Thank you, Richard.